Brill Media

The Foot Traffic Advertising Experts

Fast Company
Inc 5000 Brill Media
Business Insider Logo
Robert Brill writes about advertising on Forbes
Reach people based on location targeting data

Precision Location

Use precise location targeting signals from mobile devices to reach people who are at competitive location, and whose behaviors indicate the'll be interested in your product. Then, serve up the ads and watch them walk into your store.

Foot Traffic

Increase foot traffic by tracking user behavior tied to mobile devices. Get foot traffic reporting about the people who saw advertising and then walked into the store.

Location reporting tells you who saw ads and walked into your location
Drive traffic with digital out of home ads

Advertise On Screens
Across Town

TV ads, digital radio, and digital out of home are completely available to marketers for local targeting to the best customers. Reach people watching Roku, Amazon Firestick, listening to local radio like KIIS FM and on billboards, and screens in malls. This is powerful precision location targeting.

Supercharge Your Media Buying Today

Supercharge Your Media Buying Today

Turn on hyperlocal mobile targeting to reach your best customers