Brill Media

Hyperlocal Mobile Advertising

Fast Company
Inc 5000 Brill Media
Business Insider Logo
Robert Brill writes about advertising on Forbes

Location Advertising

Your hyperlocal advertising agency will target users based on where they are in the physical world. Hyperlocal ads get us down to 50 feet of targeting businesses.

Ads are served to users when they connect to any of thousands of mobile apps including Pandora, CNN, Google, Flixster, and Words With Friends.

Reach people based on their hyperlocal mobile advertising signals
Reach customers at key locations around the city

Place Based Remarketing

Reach customers at key locations around the city. Through partners, Brill Media looks at device data from users and buckets them into interest categories. With these data we serve ads to people based on where we know they’ve been.

Deliver hyperlocal ads by pinpointing interest and purchase intent based on location data​

Behavioral Targeting

Hyperlocal ads pinpoint interest and purchase intent based on consumer data. Over 25 canned segments exist, and we create custom segments for clients, such as:

Foodies: visited 10 middle to high end restaurants in the last 30 days

Golfers: visited known golf ranges 5 times in the last 30 days

Business People: visited the local airport 5-10 times in the last 30 days

Deliver hyperlocal ads by pinpointing interest and purchase intent based on location data​

Supercharge Your Media Buying Today

Supercharge Your Media Buying Today

Turn on hyperlocal mobile targeting to reach your best customers