Brill Media

Paid Media For Business Owners – How To Grow

Let's talk about paid media for business owners, or, rather, why business owners probably shouldn't be running their own paid media.

The work of paid media is incredibly complex. It's ever changing, and doing it well is incredibly time consuming. We business owners like to think that we are good enough at everything, but that's one of the biggest mistakes you can make with your paid media investment: You don't want to run your paid media while you're also learning how to run paid media.

It's hard to ask for help, because that's what got us this far. That's what got us business owners to have a successful business, to have multiple employees, to have processes and bookkeepers, and revenue flowing in. Paid media is so time consuming, however, that it's unlikely you'll be able to do paid media well while also handling all of your other responsibilities. Paid media is a full-time job in and of itself and requires constant oversight and decision-making, such as whether it's better for your business to be running ads on social media and/or Google, monitoring the creative testing, etc.

So if you value the money that you're spending on paid media and really want it to actually do something for your business, work with a paid media team. Work with a team of professionals whose dedicated time is focused on maximizing the heck out of your paid media investment.

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