Brill Media

Programmatic Sophistication and the Demand Stack With OpenX Demand Fusion SSP

Programmatic Sophistication and the Demand Stack With OpenX Demand Fusion SSP

If you want to hear some smart commentary and a broad overview of the programmatic landscape check out this video from OpenX Demand Fusion SSP.

I particularly like two comments.

The time of Programmatic Sophistication is upon us.

A view of the world where Programmatic 1.0 was synonymous with real time bidding (RTB) and the industry attempt at attaining scale.  That period lasted from 2008 to about the end of 2013.  Programmatic 2.0 is the evolution and sophistication of programmatic media with diversified buying models and more ad types available.


A view from the supply side of the demand stack.

With my experience originating on the demand side I think about the ways that supply is organized – supply side platforms (SSPs), ad exchanges, yield optimization tools and publisher direct buys.  The supply side thinks about demand, and this is a smart way to look at the demand stack that publishers competing for.

You can view the entire OpenX Demand Fusion SSP webinar below. You’ll want to focus in on minutes 1:45 – 7:00 for related commentary.

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