Brill Media

Facebook Marketing Services Packages

Facebook Marketing Services Packages
Fast Company
Inc 5000 Brill Media
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Robert Brill writes about advertising on Forbes

Facebook Advertising Services

Brill Media offers comprehensive Facebook advertising services to generate leads, drive sales, and grow businesses.

$500 / Month

For Media Management

$1,000 / Month

For Media Management +
Creative Development

20% of Ad Spend

For Media Management

All Campaigns Get

Reach out for custom pricing above $100,000 / month ad spend

Hulu ads can be setup in minutes

Daily Campaign Dashboards

Drive business insights and learn who your best customers are

Hulu always on ads

Ongoing Ad Optimizations

Leverage the methods and practices that work right now to scale up

Hulu has engaged audiences

Targeted Ad Creative

Monthly creative refreshes to keep your ad quality up

Hulu premium ads

Prioritized Account Management

Dedicated Account Manager to ensure your business thrives with Brill Media

Comprehensive Media Management

Expert Buyers

Unlock business growth with ad buying strategies tailored to drive leads and generate sales.  

Facebook ad buying
Facebook creative testing framework

Creative Testing Framework

Determine the insights about your business, including top products and services, offers, and discounts that resonate for your business.

Custom Dashboard

Stay connected with an organized and insightful campaign dashboard.

Facebook digital ads dashboard
Facebook ads analytics

Conversions & Analytics

Connect advertising campaigns, website activity, and pixel data to ensure your business is growing. 

Facebook Advertising Agency

Build a valuable agency trading desk to grow your media practice