Brill Media

Paid Media KPIs – What You Need To Know

How should you be measuring paid media KPIs, or key performance indicators? The equation is oddly simple: The more people who know that your business exists and the more people who are interested, the more people are likely to buy. So what should you be looking at when you run media at the top of the funnel and at the middle of the funnel with?

At the top of the funnel, you should be looking at video views and maybe click-through rate (CTR) as your paid media KPI. You could add social engagement if you want to waterfall people to the middle of the funnel via remarketing. I could also see businesses looking at reach and frequency just to know that they're reaching a large number of people who might be interested in their message.

At the middle of the funnel, you want to look at bounce rates on your websites, CTR, and furthering the social engagement. Reach and frequency may be taken into account at both of these stages when measuring paid media campaigns.

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