Brill Media


How do entrepreneurs maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle Is Important For Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, there’s an urgency about the work we do. Between client work, the sales process, and all the peripheral work that’s necessary to keep the business running (think contracts and accounting) you may imagine that there isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done, even with a team in place.

Business tools allow executives to work smarter

IFTTT Business Tools

IFTTT works with recipes as a way to define exactly where the content comes from, where it goes and what happens when it gets there.

Branded content on Facebook live will be more common

Branded Content On Facebook Live

Brands have been sponsoring Periscope live streams since 2015 through direct relationships with creators, and officially through Twitter since September 2016.

Restaurant Media Buying

Restaurant Media Buying

“You’re the duopoly! You love marketing and you love food!” That’s the best type of call. A mutual contact recommended to an entrepreneur who is looking for marketing efforts immediately.

Entrepreneur Success Framework

Entrepreneur Success Framework

Business owners and entrepreneurs bet on themselves. They have a vision. In some cases, they work to hire people smarter than them and work to delegate responsibilities.

Here are some of the tools I recommend for marketers

Top Tools For Marketers

If you are responsible for marketing and advertising your business here are a few tools that I’ve used that really help with the work we do.

Online advertising interview

Programmatic Advertising Challenges

A lot has changed in online advertising and marketing over the past decade, so who better to talk to about the changes, challenges, and trends of these 2 industries than Robert Brill from

Supercharge Your Media Buying Today

Supercharge Your Media Buying Today